A Place

Noah Chiles

A Place

A place where rays of sunlight reach out luminous insentient hands out of cracks in the clouds–
A place where trees outnumber humanity,and I can listen to their conversations, small, silent–
A place where mountains rise like waves from an ocean of evergreen and oak, roots and arms–
A place where black cattle merge with blades of grass,
Like walking shadows, ghosts of the pasture, unaware of the future–
A place where small roads branch off of bigger ones,
Creeks running from rivers running from oceans–
A place where no one is a river–
A place where a river divides all–
A place where all is still–
A place where we are tadpoles in a pond,
Where no one should be a pond,
Where luminous hands reach down, trees grow over us again, their hands reach, reach,
Where the waves rise, outnumber our small luminous hands,
Where ghosts merge with blades of grass, luminous blades, hands, branches, rivers, mud, mud, mud.
Noah Chiles is fifteen years old and lives in Lovettsville, Virginia, USA. He is a writer and musician whose artistic influences include James Joyce, Herman Melville, Virginia Woolf, David Bowie, Björk, and The Beatles.
"Yellow-Stone-National-Park" by TripNotice.com is licensed under CC BY 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/?ref=openverse&atype=rich

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